连续剧 裂痕第三季
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裂痕第三季 第03集
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  • 裂痕第三季

  • 片名:裂痕第三季
  • 状态:已完结
  • 主演:格伦·克洛斯/罗丝·伯恩/泰特·多诺万/坎贝尔·斯科特/马丁·肖特/本·申克曼/莉莉·汤姆林/
  • 导演:未知
  • 年份:2010
  • 地区:美国
  • 类型:欧美剧/
  • 时长:内详
  • 上映:未知
  • 语言:英语
  • 豆瓣:裂痕第三季
  • 简介:  Almost a year has passed since Ellen Parsons left Hewes and Associates. She is now working in the District Attorney's office and is dealing with a fairly important drug case, trying to get a dealer to reveal the identity of his supplier. Patty Hewes is now acting on behalf of a group of investors trying to recover money they had entrusted to Louis Tobin and who, it turns out, was running a Ponzi scheme. With billions of dollars unaccounted for, Patty is trying to find any funds that may have been hidden by the Tobin family. Patty and Ellen have had no contact since her departure but Patty has been reluctant to re-assign her office, convinced that Ellen will return. She even sends her an expensive handbag. Ellen wants nothing to do with her however and when she thinks Patty may be interfering with her drug case, tells her she doesn't need any help. She also tells her that any secrets she may have are perfectly safe. In a flash-forward 6 months into the future, Patty Hewes is in a serious accident when another car broadsides her vehicle in an intersection. The occupant of the other vehicle has fled but it is registered to someone she knows.
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    贝蒂·吉尔平/杰克·麦克道曼/伊利·亨利/Raphael Corkhill/山姆·米德/Roberto Mateos/达瑞·因戈尔夫松/桑德拉·库瑞/威洛·黑尔/Anna Lee Lawson/Rachel Winfree/Olivier Barrette/Starr Gilliard/Vic Zander/Nicholas Wagner/Ibrahim Renno/Paul Black/邦妮·阿伦斯/伊丽莎白·玛维尔/卡佳·赫尔伯斯/克里斯·迪亚曼托普洛斯/亚丽姗德拉·全/巴里·里维斯顿/阿什利·罗曼斯/
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    安德斯·维伦科索/巴勃罗·埃查里/丹尼尔·亨德尔/奥斯马·努涅斯/Juana Viale/Antonio Birabent/安娜·塞伦塔诺/Inés Estévez/
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    马克·本顿/乔·乔伊纳/Patrick Walshe McBride/
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    马克·博加泰尔夫/叶莲娜·波德卡明斯卡娅/迪米特里·纳佐罗夫/维克多·霍林雅克/Sergey Lavygin/Mikhail Tarabukin/Sergey Epishev/尼基塔·塔拉索夫/德米特里·纳吉耶夫/Olga Kuzmina/Ekaterina Kuznetsova/Mariya Gorban/
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    Yaya DaCosta/Nadine Ellis/Lance Gross/Rhyon Nicole Brown/Kyle Bary/Joe Morton/Morris Chestnut/Debbi Morgan/McKinley Freeman/
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  • 更新至第03集
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    Emma Ishta/Kyle Harris/戴安·法尔/费利克斯·戈麦斯/Minni Jo Mazzola/马克·多尔蒂/Caitlin McHugh/埃林·亚金/Sola Bamis/Andrea Sixtos/
  • 更新至第10集
    丽莉·吉欧/塞巴斯蒂安·查孔/山姆·克拉弗林/苏琪·沃特豪斯/乔什·怀特豪斯/卡米拉·莫罗/娜比娅·毕/威尔·哈里森/Ayesha Harris/Naya Kodeh/杰奎琳·奥拉德丝/Nicole Alicia Xavier/Nick Pupo/Jonathan D'Ambrosio/杰克·罗曼诺/迈尔斯·克兰福德/奥利维亚·罗斯·基根/莉莉·多诺格/蒂莫西·奥利芬特/诺拉·柯克帕特里克/汤姆·怀特/阿曼达·菲克斯/Nina Franoszek/达蒙·K·斯波伯/柯比·约翰逊/Sher/
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    詹姆斯·斯派德/梅根·布恩/迪亚哥·克莱特霍夫/瑞安·艾戈尔德/阿米尔·阿里森/莫赞·玛诺/希沙姆·陶菲格/哈里·列尼斯/迈克尔·阿伦诺夫/詹姆斯·卡佩内罗/约翰·贝德福德·劳埃德/艾达·图多尔/斯图·莱利/法米克·詹森/Amy Spanger/Steve Grodewald/



